Sunday, 28 June 2009


Cats are my life, they are my babies, my passion.

Dear Lilly cat passed away two weeks ago. She was a beautiful, soft, wonderful girl. Although not perfect (she could be quite grumpy and hissy) she is greatly missed. She passed away quite suddenly, unexpectedly. Very sad.

We have two other beautiful girls - Binky Boo and Kitty Cat.

And now we have two new arrivals!!! Roll out the red carpet, ring out the church bells - two new bundles of fur and whiskers - a pair of beautiful bonny babies.

Is seven weeks old today. We got him yesterday along with his sister, Mitzy Gaynor. Tommy is fuffy and ginger, with blue/green eyes. He is a doll, a furry ginger dolly

Tommy's sister is a beautiful little tortoiseshell kitten. I have always wanted a tortoiseshell, probably ever since being a child when our next door neighbours had one called Fizz

I had been umming and ahhing for a while about the possibility of acquiring some more furry friends. At first I was against the idea but gradually I succumbed. So here they are. I found an advert in the pet shop, phoned Linda on Friday evening and me and Martin went round yesterday morning to be greeted by three lovely little cats. Mitzi, her sister, Tommy and another slightly larger pussy from another litter. Mitzi stayed on my lap and purred and Tommy ran round, occasionally disappearing under the furniture.

After about an hour we popped our precious cargo into a cat carrier and got supplies from the pet shop - kitten food, worming medicine, pretty sparkly colllars (for later), cat litter and of course, toys. I proudly carried my new babies around the pet shop in their carry case. A little girl spotted them and got quite excited (I was glowing)

We eventually got home and I went in the boys' room with the carry case. I sat it on Henry's bed and opened it up. The kittens were fast asleep, what with their journey and meeting their new parents. I sat for ages gazing at them. Eventually Binky appeared, jumped up beside me. It took quite a while for her to notice them. She sat up and stared. And stared. Then after a while she settled down by me. It was a very contented scene, me, Binky Boo and the new kittens, all relaxing together.

Kitty had been the first to see them, she was on the landing and hissed and then waddled off.

After a while Martin tidied the upstairs workshop and we put the kittens in their new (temporary) home. They stayed for ages in their carry case, fast asleep. When I returned they were out and tentatively exploring. I put in Kitty's old bed and lined it with a soft fleecy blanket. They also have a dirt box and eating area.

Grandad came this afternoon and met Tommy and Mitzi. He said Tommy looked like his old cat Fudge, so we called him Tommy Fudge. And Mitzy is named after the singer in South Pacific.

Later on Alice and Annie popped in, much to Alice's delight. We all watched as little Tommy Fudge mewed and mewed until a huge turd popped out into the dirt box, to a round of polite applause. He had to lift his little bottom up to get it out!


Seven weeks old today! When I went into their room they were curled up together in their cosy bed, so sweet. They love to play together and sleep together. Sometimes they fight and Mitzi usually ends up underneath Tommy, with him lying on her head. If one of them bites too hard then the other one soon shows their disapproval by mewing loudly!
Binky is afraid to come upstairs, she knows something is up. Kitty has no such qualms. Martin reckons it's because Binky might think that there is a large cat behind the door, not two tiny kittens. So Martin has been bringing Binky upstairs into the bedroom and then she is fine, she stays with me for a while, as per usual.

I gave the kittens my home-made scratching post today and attached a toy mouse. Tommy seems to like it. Hope they use it as the others have always turned their little wet noses up at it. I sat on the floor with a blanket on my legs (they slide of my legs and scratch them to pieces). They have started hopping on and sitting on my legs. Mitzi fell backwards and ended up sleeping on her back - oh so sweet. Sometimes I come in and Mitzi is in the basket with Tommy on the floor next to it, or they are both in the carry case, or more recently, both stretched out on the blanket. This evening was a bit worried as they were both nowhere to be seen. Eventually Tommy appeared from behind the shelves and it was quite a while until Mitzi appeared. Phew! This afternoon Tommy suddenly appeared on the landing, he had got out as the door was ajar, closely followed by his sister. So now I make sure the door is securely shut. I can't wait until they can come out properly but I think it is a bit soon. Our house is so big!

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