Wednesday, 2 September 2009


Was in the garden the other day and Mitzi took great interest in a bright green caterpillar which was crawling across her path. She bent down and sniffed it and slowly began to eat it. She looked up at one point and it was hanging out of her mouth. Then with one final scoff it was down her little furry gullet...mmm

Martin and I did some catflap training for Mitzi: she could get out but we weren't sure if she could come back in. So Martin was inside with a cat treat and I was on the outside and we did a push me pull you system, handing Mitzi back and forth with the occasional treat proffered as a reward. A while later Martin started the noisy lawnmower and Mitzi soon moved her little furry butt and dived through the flap into the safety of the house

The other night it was wonderful as Mitzi, Tommy and Binky were sleeping on our bed at night. I woke up to find Binky by my head and Tommy and Mitzi sleeping on my chest. Bliss...

Tommy apparently got stuck up next door's tree the other day. Martin reckoned it was 25 feet up! I think he was probably trying to get at the two fat pigeons who live in the tree. Fortunately he eventually made his way "gingerly" back down

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